Samsung Galaxy Secret Code
☞ *#06# (Display IMEI number)
☞ *#1234# (Display current firmware)
☞ *#*#4636#*#* (Diagnostic and general settings mode)
☞ *#*#7780#*#* (Factory soft reset) or *#7780#
☞ *2767*3855# (Factory hard reset to ROM firmware default settings)
☞ *2767*4387264636# (To display product code)
☞ *#272*imei#* (Display/change CSC code) or *#272*HHMM#*
☞ *#*#1472365#*#* (GPS test settings)
☞ *#*#197328640#*#* (Service mode main menu)
☞ *#12580*369# (SW & HW Info)
☞ *#232337# (Bluetooth Address)
☞ *#232331# (Bluetooth Test Mode)
☞ *#232338# (WLAN MAC Address)
☞ *#0228# (ADC Reading)
☞ *#32489# (Ciphering Info)
☞ *#2263# (RF Band Selection)
☞ *#9090# (Diagnostic ConfiguratioN)
☞ *#7284# (USB I2C Mode Control)
☞ *#232339# (WLAN Test Mode)
☞ *#0842# (Vibra Motor Test Mode)
☞ *#0782# (Real Time Clock Test)
☞ *#0673# (Audio Test Mode)
☞ *#0*# (General Test Mode)
☞ *#872564# (USB Logging Control)
☞ *#4238378# (GCF Configuration)
☞ *#0283# (Audio Loopback Control)
☞ *#1575# (GPS Control Menu)
☞ *#3214789650# (LBS Test Mode)
☞ *#745# (RIL Dump Menu)
☞ *#03# (NAND Flash S/N)
☞ *#0589# (Light Sensor Test Mode)
☞ *#0588# (Proximity Sensor Test Mode)
☞ *#273283*255*3282*# (Data Create Menu)
☞ *#34971539# (Camera Firmware Update)
☞ *#526# (WLAN Engineering Mode)
☞ *#746# (Debug Dump Menu)
☞ *#9900# (System Dump Mode)
☞ *#44336# (Sofware Version Info)
☞ *#273283*255*663282*# (Data Create SD Card)
☞ *#3282*727336*# (Data Usage Status)
☞ *#7594# (Remap Shutdown to End Call TSK)
☞ *#0289# (Melody Test Mode)
☞ *#2663# (TSP / TSK firmware update)
☞ *#528# (WLAN Engineering Mode)
☞ *#7412365# (Camera Firmware Menu) or *#*#34971539#*#*
☞ *#80# (Unknown)
☞ *#07# (Test History)
☞ *#3214789# (GCF Mode Status)
☞ *#272886# (Auto Answer Selection)
☞ *#8736364# (OTA Update Menu)
☞ *#301279# (HSDPA/HSUPA Control Menu)
☞ *#7353# (Quick Test Menu)
☞ *2767*4387264636# (Sellout SMS / PCODE view)
☞ *#7465625# (View Phone Lock Status)
☞ *7465625*782*# (Configure Network Lock NSP)
☞ *7465625*27*# (Insert Network Lock Keycode NSP/CP)
☞ #7465625*27*# (Insert Content Provider Keycode)
☞ #7465625*782*# (Insert Partitial Network Lock Keycode)
☞ *7465625*77*# (Insert Network Lock Keycode SP)
☞ #7465625*77*# (Insert Operator Lock Keycode)
☞ *7465625*638*# (Configure Network Lock MCC/MNC)
☞ #7465625*638*# (Insert Network Lock Keycode)
Samsung Galaxy Secret Code
The following codes work on all current Samsung phones;
☞ *#9999# Displays the Software Version, some units use *#1111#
☞ *#0001# Displays the Device Serial Number
☞ *#1234# Displays the Firmware Version
☞ *#2222# Displays the Hardware Version
☞ *#9998*246# Displays the Battery Status and Memory Capacity
☞ *#9998*324# Open the Debug Screen, some units use *#8999*324#
☞ *#9998*523# Adjust the LCD Contrast
☞ *#8999*523# Adjust the LCD Brightness
☞ *#8999*842# Vibration Test
☞ *#9998*289# Alarm Test
☞ *#8999*289# Ringtone Test
☞ *#9125# Displays a Smiley
☞ *#0228# Battery Information
☞ *#8999*636# Displays the Storage capacity
☞ *#8999*778# Sim card information display
☞ *#8999*782# Date and Alarm Display
☞ *#8999*638# Displays the Network Information
☞ *#8999*9266# Shows the current channel and strength
☞ *#8999*8378# Access the test menu
☞ *#4777*8665# GPRS Menu Tool
☞ *#8999*377# Opens the error log
☞ *#8999*327# EEP Menu
☞ *#92782# WAP Phone Model
☞ *#232337# Bluetooth MAC Address
☞ #*5737425# Java Mode
☞ *#5282837# Java Version
Short codes, these codes change settings. Using them will activate or deactivate the functions specified.
☞ #*4773# Incremental Redundancy
☞ #*7785# Resets the Wake-up variables
☞ #*7200# Mute the tone generator
☞ #*3888# Bluetooth test menu
☞ #*2077# GPRS Toggle
☞ #*2027# GPRS Toggle
☞ #*0227# GPRS Toggle
☞ #*0277# GPRS Toggle
☞ #7263867# RAM Dump
☞ *2767*688# Resets Mobile TV
☞ *2767*226372# Deletes all photos and resets the Camera
☞ *2767*927# WAP Reset
☞ #*2562# Reboots the device
☞ #*3849# Reboots the device
☞ #*7337# Reboots the device and resets WAP settings
☞ #*7288# Attach/Detach GPRS
☞ #*7287# Attach/Detach GPRS
☞ #*2886# Activate or Deactivate the Auto answer
☞ #*2527# Change the GPRS Class
☞ *#8999*364# Enable/Disable Watchdog
☞ *#8999*427# Configure the Watchdog Route
☞ *2767*3855# Hard Reset, deletes everything including storage cards
☞ *2767*2878# Customized Hard Reset
☞ #*3273# Change the EDGE Class
☞ #*4263# Activates or Deactivates the Handsfree
☞ #*3941# 115200 bps loop test
☞ #*5176# L1 Sleep
☞ #*7462# Sim Phase
☞ #*7983# Voltage and Frequency Display
☞ #*5376# Deletes all SMSs
☞ #*3270# Toggle DCS Support
☞ #*3476# Activate/Deactivate EGSM
☞ #*3282# Activate/Deactivate Data
☞ #*4760# Activate/Deactivate GSM
☞ #*3676# Formats the Flash Drive
☞ #*7722# Activate/Deactivate RLC bitmap compression
☞ #*2351# Blinks 1347E201 in RED
☞ #*7878# FirstStartup (0=NO, 1=YES
☞ #*3838# Blinks 3D030300 in RED
following codes relate the SIM locked Samsung phones and can be used to
unlock a Samsung phone in some instances. There are two options to
unlock a Samsung phone, the traditional *#pw+15853649247w# or you can
access the parameter menu via *#9998*627837793#
☞ *#7465625# Display the Phone Lock Status
☞ *7465625*638*Code# Enable the Network Lock
☞ #7465625*638*Code# Disable the Network Lock
☞ *7465625*782*Code# Enable the Subset Lock
☞ #7465625*782*Code# Disable the Subset Lock
☞ *7465625*228# Enable Activa Lock
☞ #7465625*228# Disable Activa Lock
☞ *7465625*77*Code# Enable the Service Provider Lock
☞ #7465625*77*Code# Disable the Server Provider Lock
☞ *7465625*746*Code# Enables the Sim Lock
☞ #7465625*746*Code# Disables the Sim Lock
☞ *7465625*27*Code# Enables the CP Lock
☞ #7465625*27*Code# Disables the CP Lock
☞ *7465625*28638# Enable the Automatic Network Lock
☞ #7465625*28638# Disable the Automatic Network Lock
☞ *7465625*28782# Enable the Automatic Subset Lock
☞ #7465625*28782# Disable the Automatic Subset Lock
☞ *7465625*2877# Enable the Automatic Service Provider Lock
☞ #7465625*2877# Disable the Automatic Service Provider Lock
☞ *7465625*2827# Enable the Automatic CP Lock
☞ #7465625*2827# Disable the Automatic CP Lock
☞ *7465625*28746# Enable the Automatic SIM Lock
☞ #7465625*28746# Disable the Automatic SIM Lock
☞ #7465625*28746# Disable the Automatic SIM Lock
the phone for use with a SIM card from another phone company can be
done by entering *#9998*3323# which will reset the phone, you exit and
push 7 which completes the reset, you can then put your new SIM card in
the phone, when prompted about the SIM lock simply enter 00000000 and
then *0141# which will unlock the phone for you. Alternatively you can
try *#2767*2878# without a SIM card which is known to work on some
As always if you have any other Samsung Secret Codes please send them to me so that I can add them to the above list.
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